Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do I need a LinkedIn?

Lately I've been hearing a lot of questions about LinkedIn.
Do you need one? Maybe.
Depending on your field and potential employer it may or may not help in a job search, but it certainly can't hurt. LinkedIn is an excellent way to stay connected to professional contacts who haven't quite made your Facebook friend list. For those of us lucky enough to be employed, it can serve as as insurance policy against the wrath of the economy.

Setting up a LinkedIn profile is much more like writing a resume than setting up a Facebook due to the introspection and time required. The following articles should help

For Newbies...
How to Use Your LinkedIn Profile – a Checklist
  • Breaks down each task and includes anticipated time commitment for each.
How to Ensure Your LinkedIn Profile Is Effective
  • Translates the purpose of each component of your profile.
If you need a tweak...
7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn
  • Lengthier article. Covers basic features that are useful, but often overlooked.

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